Category: Winter
Tags: mountains kids crafts, winter mountains kids crafts
On an A4 sheet of paper, we make a mountain shape with a bandage and stick it on, then we paint the sky (blue paint) and the mountains (black, brown). We decorate the work with glitter.
Material used:
- A4 sheet
- bandage
- magic glue
- brown, black and blue paint
- loose glitter
Category: Winter
Tags: mountains kids crafts, winter mountains kids crafts
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First, the teacher prepares materials for the children. On a white sheet of paper they have to draw with a blue marker a semicircular shape of a snow igloo, built of bricks. Then we cut it out - an easy puzzle is created. On a sheet of colored paper - which serves as a background - we draw the same shape (also bricks) with a pencil. The child's task now is to match the individual pieces of the puzzle to the shape drawn on the paper. He glues the individual pieces into the appropriate places - building his own ice house. Material used:Read more
- white sheet of paper
- sheet of colored paper
- blue marker
- pencil
- scissors
- glue
On a large sheet of paper, draw a snowman template. Paste it with cotton balls so that they slightly overlap each other. From colored paper cut out: buttons, eyes, nose, mouth, hat, possibly other decorative elements. Glue everything in place. Around the snowman we glue balls made of cotton wool (snow). Material used:Read more
- scissors
- glue
- colored paper
- cotton balls
- cotton wool
- cardboard
The snowman presented here is a great way to show children how easy it is to conjure up something interesting from materials available in every home, garage, etc. On the unscrewed and cleaned from the label bottle after lotion we put Styrofoam bauble (head). Screw it onto the neck of the bottle or attach it with glue. Next, we put a hat made of cork on the head, under which we paste plumber's hair as the fringe of our hero. Tie a tissue paper bow around his neck to make the snowman look elegant! Now, all you need is a broomstick made of a shashlik stick and the rest of the plumber's hair and a few decorative buttons made of colored pins and you're done! Using a colored bottle and, for example, an onion for a head, we can make a scarecrow in the same way. Material used:Read more
- polystyrene bauble
- plumber's bristles
- rubber sink plug
- white bottle of lotion or shower gel
- tissue paper
- skewer
- colored pins
- string or thread
- glue
- eyelets
Place the fabric on the table, the picture on it and tracing paper on the picture. With the help of various tools trace the contours of the picture (without the stars). Press firmly, but only enough to leave a white trace on the tracing paper. If you press too hard, you can make a hole. Use a nail to correct the contours of the stars and the chimney. When all the contours have been corrected, erase the pencil marks on the other side. Turn the sheet of paper over again and place it this time on the fabric itself. Correct some of the less visible contours. Using the head of a pin placed in a skewer stick, apply shadows and snow. Place a piece of canvas under the tracing paper and use the pin head to reflect its texture. We can reflect different objects on tracing paper. It all depends on your idea. In the stars we make a few holes with a pin. We color the picture with markers, but in such a way as not to color the hollows. Such a picture can be for example hung in the window. You can also put a dark piece of paper underneath, which will make the picture even more visible. Material used:Read more
- tracing paper
- sketch of a winter picture
- cutter
- pin
- crochet hook
- nail
- shashlik stick with a pin
- colored markers
- eraser
- piece of canvas
- soft pad
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