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The day before, children soak conifer twigs in white paint and reflect them on blue card to create snow stars. The next day they glue on cotton balls to create a snowman. They glue the following cut out from colored paper: pot, buttons, carrots (older children cut out these elements by themselves, younger children prepare them by the teacher). Material used:Read more
- twigs of coniferous wood
- white paint
- cosmetic pads
- blue card
- colored paper
- scissors
To make the work we need three paper plates and two sizes of black paper circles cut out of black paper. On the plates we put eyes from circles, a nose from an orange technical block in the shape of a triangle and different faces from black circles. We put a sad face on one snowman, a smiling face on another, and a surprised face on a third. In this way we can make any other emotion. Material used:Read more
- paper plates
- black and orange technical block
- magic glue
- scissors
From cotton pads, glue snowmen in such a way that each successive snowman is 1 ball larger. We glue on a hat and a carrot from colored paper. We add eyes, a face, and buttons using markers or crayons. Material used:Read more
- blue colored paper
- cosmetic pads
- black and orange colored paper
- scissors
- glue
- crayons or markers