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Stand the blue card upright, then glue circles at the top of the card - starting with the largest red one. After gluing the circles on, tear the white and silver card into irregular strips and glue them onto the card, starting by putting the first strip on the "sun". Glue the white and silver strips to the bottom of the card. Cut the black paper into strips and glue them so that they overlap slightly with the sun. In this way we will create a tree. Material used:Read more
- colored paper: blue, white, silver, black
- circles of paper: red, orange, dark and light yellow
- scissors
- glue
From any materials we create a composition, for example, we cut out trees from gray newspapers, we paste snowdrifts from napkins, clouds are created from balls of blue tissue paper, falling snow cut out with a decorative punch, tissue paper house and chimney smoke from coffee beans. Material used:Read more
- newspapers
- tissue paper
- napkins
- decorative punch
- coffee beans
- glue
- scissors