First, the children, together with the teacher, make snowflakes – these are circles cut out of a white sheet of paper by a hole punch, then with the teacher’s help the children pour their snowflakes into a T-shirt, which they pin with a stapler to a blue sheet of paper. On the T-shirt they glue a snowman silhouette made of cotton wool, and under it they glue snow from torn pieces of tissue paper. After that the preschoolers receive cotton balls from the teacher, which will be the clouds – they glue them on the very top in the way they choose. Finally the children glue on the snowman’s hands from a stick and glue on a hat cut out of colored paper. Once everything is dry children decorate their snowman with glitter markers, paint snowflakes on the shirt, on the clouds. The art work described above is a very attractive form because it allows to stimulate children tactilely and visually, at the same time it is attractive for the preschooler because when he moves or shakes his snowman, the snowflakes move and move giving the impression of falling snow.
Material used:
- blue A4 sheet of paper
- A white A4 sheet of paper
- punch
- stapler
- cotton wool
- tissues
- vikol glue
- cosmetic pads
- A4 shirt
- sticks
- glitter markers
- scissors
- coloured paper
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